Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mission calls! :)

My Best Friend Got His Mission Call!
My Best Friend Taylor got his Mission Call this week.
It is so crazy...where does time go?!
He is going to Brazil in January. Crazy enough, so is one
of my other great friends (Taylors best friend) Chance.
What are the chances?! I'm so excited for them!

Since this is like a journal, I'm going to write where my friends are going!
Taylor Timothy: Brazil
Chance Weeks: Brazil
Chaz Butterfield: Louisiana
Daniel Bowcutt: Puerto Rico
Chase Johnson: Ireland

This is crazy stuff! I can't believe my age boys are going on missions. I'm so excited for them all :)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Trip to the Temple!

McKell and I decided to go to the temple today :) I love having temples close! Here are some pictures!


Friday, September 12, 2008

80's Night!

It was 80's night at Area 55 in Salt Lake so a bunch of us got all dressed up and went. It was so much fun! McKell and I got thinking...what are our kids going to dress up as? 2008 night? Weird thought!