Tuesday, December 20, 2011

E.R. and Blessings

Count Your Many Blessings........Even when they may not "seem" like blessings!

These past two weeks have been absolutely crazy. First of all, finals. Just the word makes me cringe. I was super lucky and had half of my finals one week, and the rest ON finals week. This was still super stressful. I had a lot of final presentations, major papers due, choreography to prepare, dances to dance, and so forth. Meanwhile having two part-time jobs and trying to somewhat have a social life- even though that idea died during finals week!

Anyway- Finals for me ended this Wednesday. I had finals from 9:00-11:00, 11:00-1:00, 1:00-3:00 and 3:00-5:00. Yep.... FUN day....not. BUT that was the final Finals day! Thursday I was able to finally relax from it all! Sort of. I got to sleep in which was fantastic, and then I had a house to clean from 11:30-2:30 and I taught dance from 3:00-6:00. Then the rest of the night I was dedicating to fun. I hung out with a friend for a while and made some food, and then I went over to the usual crews house and watched a movie with them.
I left the guys house really late and had a stabbing pain in my side. I actually pulled over my car because I was in so much pain. I got home and eventually started to sweat as the pain grew and grew. I stripped down and jumped into a cold bath (which is SOO not me. I HATE cold water!!) At this point it's about 2:00 AM and while in the bath I called my mom in tears. She had a feeling it was a kidney stone and said she would call Blake and have him take me to the Emergency Room. I woke up my roommates Kati and Tayler and they stayed with me until Blake got to my apartment. He got there SUPER fast and carried me to his truck and into the Emergency Room we went.

I was getting SO frustrated in the ER answering the same questions over and over! My name, my birthday, personal questions... and I just wanted relief SO badly!

Blake offered to give me a blessing and it was such a sweet blessing. I felt so lucky to have a worthy brother there with me to comfort me! I sure love him!!
Soon after the nurse finally put the IV and medicine in me and I started to relax somewhat. They then wheeled me in to get a CT scan and the rest is kind of a blur. (The med really worked!)

My parents arrived soon after and the Dr told us that I had multiple Kidney stones. 3 or 4 in my left kidney and 6 or so in my Right. Most of these were just starter small ones and not causing any trouble. There were 3 that needed to come out, and one in particular. I had a 5 millimeter stone in my uriter that was not moving.

Anyway-- long story short, we decided to do surgery in which they would go up through the uriter and bladder with a "basket" sort tool to catch and remove these stones. They left a stent in my uriter. This stent is just like a stent they put in a heart to open up the valve. They put a stent in my uriter to open it up. They said my body is not only small on the outside but even smaller on the inside and there is NO way I could have passed that stone. The stent is still in and they will remove it in 4 weeks or so and then decide what to do with the rest.

So........how is this a blessing?

Finals ended Wednesday, stones came Thursday, and Christmas comes next week. Really, if this was going to happen, this was the perfect time. EXCEPT... my friend Kory was taking me to the nutcracker Friday which I was obviously not able to go to. However, he was able to exchange the tickets (after trying multiple times) and we'll go next week. See..... Things DO work out!

I'm so blessed with such a good family to take care of me! My parents brought me home with them and I've been able to just relax at my home sweet home. I'll be feeling better by the holidays and be able to enjoy them in Colorado with my whole family. I can't wait =)

I love Christmas Time!!

Time Out For Women

Brooke was able to go to a Time Out For Women in Denver this year. She LOVED it and said we just had to go to one! Well Aaron gave her a girls weekend and she decided we had to go to the Time Out For Women in Salt Lake- and I am SOO glad we went!

The program was amazing. We got to hear from so many great speakers and musicians. The best part was being able to feel the spirit SO much! We got to hear from Hilary Weeks (Brooke's favorite!), Sheri Dew, Brad Wilcox, Jericho Road, Emily Watts, Wendy Ulrich, Michael Wilcox, Laurel Christensen, and we had a surprise guest, Stephanie Nielson! Stephanie's testimony was so sweet and strong. If you're unsure who stephanie is, She is the burn victim that survived the plane crash.

My mom and I fell in love with Jericho Road :) So we HAD to go meet them!

My other favorite part was spending the weekend with my mom and sister of course! :)

Thanks for a fun weekend girls! :)